
> Rootwork

> LIU Game Jam

Over the years, I have been part of my fair share of game jams. For the last two, I have actually helped organize them! It is an event hosted by LiTHe Kod where the goal is to create a game in 48h hours. This encompasses both creating the ideas, programming, art, music, game design, and more. During the jams, I have mostly focused on the aspects of game design and programming, but have also contributed a bit of music here and there.

> About the Game

Rootwork is a game where you grow roots. That's pretty much it. You put down your seeds, the roots grow and you collect more seeds. It is barely a game, but it is actually very relaxing to look at. I only wish we would've added music to it. It is by far the most simple game we've made thus far, which was intentional since our studies were very hectic at the time. I spent the first evening of the jam programming the root algorithm. Each root cell essentially checks its surroundings for other roots, and tries to grow in the opposite direction, which some randomness thrown in. After the catastrophe called Conjuring Carpentry, making a simple game was quite nice and it turned out great, mostly because it was so simple.